Julia Fish is our featured artist this month.
May Gallery Exhibit
April Gallery Exhibit
All*Star Readathon 2018
The All*Star Readathon, sponsored by the Friends of the Library begins on Thursday, March 1st. Forms will be posted on Byrd, Central, Coleman and Hamilton HSA websites, and on the Academy of Our Lady and Library websites. Printed forms will be distributed at all pre-schools and will be available in the Children’s Room of the Library on March 1st. For further information, please call the Library at 201-670-3973.
Young readers can sign up sponsors immediately. Get armloads of books on March 1st and read, read, read until March 31st. All forms and sponsorship money must be in by April 20th.
Medals are awarded at each school to those readers who attain the specified goal of minutes/hours read in each of the following categories: Pre-School and Kindergarten; 1st and 2nd Grades; and 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades. Complete details and reading requirements are explained in the form.
The readers with the greatest number of minutes/hours read in each of the categories will have their names engraved on a plaque which is permanently displayed in the Library Children’s Room. At a Council Meeting in May, special recognition will be given by the Borough of Glen Rock to those youngsters who have read the most hours and accumulate the largest amount of sponsorship money.
The Friends group hopes that all young readers in Glen Rock will become Readathon contestants. Participating in this event is one of the most important ways that people of all ages - readers and sponsors - can encourage reading and regular use of the Library by Glen Rock’s young people. Readathon sponsorships also contribute to the growth of collections and services provided in the Children’s Room, and support the wonderful programs sponsored by the Friends for our young readers.
Form available here.