+ How does priority registration work?
The first week of registration for programs deemed "high-demand" will only be open to Glen Rock library cardholders. Glen Rock residency will be verified by your library card number, so make sure to sign up for a library card if you don't have one already!
+ Which programs are considered High-Demand and how will I know which ones they are?
What is considered a high-demand program will be up to the discretion of the Children's Librarian. PR material such as in-house flyers and online program information will be clearly marked as high-demand.
+ I'm Not a Glen Rock resident. When can I sign up?
Out of town cardholders can register for high-demand programs on the 23rd of each month, one week after priority registration goes live.
+ What happens if I sign up with an out of town library card during priority registration?
Registration will be monitored by a staff member. Any out of town patron who registers during priority registration will have their registration cancelled.
+ I do not live in Glen Rock, but I care for children who are residents. Do they have priority registration?
Yes! You can either register with their guardian's library card or their legal guardian can come to the library and sign the child up for a library card. Children ages 5 and up are eligible for library cards.
+ How do I get a Glen Rock library card?
Glen Rock residents must provide proof of residency. Your valid driver's license or a current utility bill with a valid picture ID card will suffice.